Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Information from the Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission

To avoid changing mailing addresses and so that your missionary get his/her letters and boxes faster, we wrote this e-mail with the Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission mailing addresses.

Boxes costing more than U$ 40.00 will get stuck at the post office due to extra taxes. Please, don't put stickers of Saints or Christ, it doesn't work to avoid your boxes getting opened. The only way to avoid it is sending boxes costing U$ 40.00 or less. If you want to send something more expensive than U$ 40.00 you can spread out the cost by sending several boxes with the previously stated value.

If you send, for example, 2 t-shirts costing U$ 10.00, the total value is not U$ 10.00 but U$ 20.00. So you have U$ 20.00 left instead of U$ 30.00.

- To send LETTERS:

[Full name + (name on nametag)] Ex: Weslley Andrade Frazão (Frazão).

Caixa Postal 13008.

CEP: 91010-971.

Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul.


- To send BOXES:

Full name + (name on nametag)Ex: Weslley Andrade Frazão (Frazão).

Av. Visconde de Macaé, 245.

Cristo Redentor

CEP: 91350-290

Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul.


If you have any question, please contac us.



Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission.

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