This week went by fast, a lot of work to be done, went through and found some more cool people to teach. We were teaching a guy named Andereson and he was interviewed and deemed worthy to be baptized on sunday but saturday night he made some wrong choices and didn´t follow our invites or our comitments that we had left with him, it was deffiently an intersting situation.
This week were going to accompany some people who were already at church and see if they accept to get baptized this week, its going to be a busy week here.
We started burning orange peels to kill misquitos, its smells terrible and the smell still hasn' left the house! Also while we were in lunch the members dog came up and peed on the elders bag it was pretty great.
Also for the baptismal interview on the way back to lunch I was dumb and took the wrong bus, we ended up in the area of the zone leaders and had to find a way to get back to our area we didn't get back to our area until like 1 in the afternoon!
We´ve been reorganizing the area book like crazy. It's been cool to really open an area and just do all you can to keep finding people.
I´ve learned that through diligence, and having a strong desire to do all that is possible miracles will happen. Being on the mission until now I´ve really learned that everyone of us has a purpose to fufill.
well I love you guys and have an aweome week!
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